Commemoration of the International Day of the Girl Child (IDGC)

International Day of the Girl Child: In commemoration of the International Day of the Girl Child (IDGC), we carried out a school outreach at Maranatha High School on 7th October 2022. Maranatha High school is located in Ggaba Kampala on the Shores of lake Victoria. This year’s theme “our time is now, our rights, our future” reminds us on creating girls’ agency so that they can in their own voices demand for their rights.

At Amity for Humanity Initiative-Uganda, we believe that school is the safest place for the child to be informed about their rights and how to demand for them, desist from child marriage and teenage pregnancies and all other forms of child abuse and be able to contribute to the country’s Gross Domestic Product.

Girls living on the shores of Lake Victoria are susceptible to sexual gender based violence from business men / fisher men that results into early marriages and teenage pregnancies. The results affect girls’ lives and education negatively shuttering their dreams and aspirations. We empowered girls in different disciplines such as maintaining good morals, Effects of relationships in school, self-confidence, career guidance and preparation for exams.

We encouraged girls to be each other’s keepers and report cases of Sexual Gender based violence, child marriage, rape and defilement to authorities. To stay in school since it’s the safest place for them to be and desist from all temptations that would otherwise divert them from achieving their dreams and maximizing their potential.


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