Our Programs

We support girls to return to school by providing them with school fees and scholastic materials. Girls in kyampisi p/s, Education is a basic human right that works to raise men and women out of poverty, different levels of inequalities and ensure sustainable development. Our program offers sponsorship (school fees and scholastic materials) to more than 100 pupils in need, monitors their performance and offers carrier guidance. We advocate for a successful education system that must reach everyone, including the most disadvantaged and marginalized including the poor, the discriminated against, girls, children living with disability and those facing multiple disadvantages. Through education, girls are able to keep in school thus reducing the number of child marriages and teenage pregnancies. Schools act as safe spaces for girls to learn, share experience, receive guidance and counselling from mentors and care givers.
Child Protection
We work towards building strong systems to prevent and respond to all forms of violence against children
Gender equality: Gender Equality is the heart of Amity for Humanity Initiative, we strive to see a world where gender equality is a norm and violence against women and girls not acceptable.
This is done through community sensitization programs, community dialogues, dialogues with cultural leaders, religious leaders and persons of influence in communities.
Menstrual Health Education and Management
We advocate for better menstrual hygiene management in schools and communities by educating girls in and out of school on proper use of sanitary equipment, access and use of soap and clean water, making re-usable sanitary towels and other menstrual hygiene measures. This is aimed at creating awareness and breaking the stigma, stereotypes, attitudes and beliefs that surround menstruation.

Climate Change
Our advocacy initiatives tackle climate education for schools and communities on sustainability and adaptation. We work in collaboration with the government, communities and the private sector to develop and scale solutions to strengthen climate resilience This helps communities to avoid disasters such as floods,land slides, droughts, disease outbreaks and epidemics. We encourage and advocate for afforestation, better disposal habbits that will preserve the soil and water resources for sustainable faminiles, communities and the nation.
Peace Building & Safety
This program focusses on internally displaced people, these include refugees, people affected by disaster, pastes and diseases, land slides among others. We support them with basic human needs such as food, shelter, clothings and other needs.
We advocate for their rights to policy and decision makers to make, fasten and take measures to protect people in such cases.
Our programme has reached out to people in Nakivale refugee settlement camp in Isingiro district and kyangwali Refugee Settlement camp in Kagadi, Kasese and Mbale districts affected by floods and landslides.